Author: Benjamin George Coles
Benjamin George Coles is a young British writer of fiction and essays, based mainly in Luxembourg, where he’s done proofreading for the EU Publications Office and the European Court of Justice, as well as political activism workshops with the NGO Our Common Future and journalism for the newspaper
Land and the radio station
Ara. He also recently made there, with director and cowriter Nadia Masri, the short film
“A Place to Be." Outside of Luxembourg, he’s published a short story in
Erotic Review and an
essay arguing that short film is the great neglected art form of our age in
Film International. He’s a member of the pan-European artist collective
Antropical, and writes art criticism for their
Looking back to the original Toy Story series, it seems obvious that one of the things that really helps Buzz accept his child’s toy nature is that he is good[…]