Author: Colleen McGuire
For sixteen years Colleen McGuire ran her own housing rights law firm in Manhattan until 2003, when she shifted gears so to speak and co-founded CycleGreece, a bicycle tour company in Greece, where she lives much of the year. In 1997, she solo cycled from New York City to San Francisco. Colleen travels extensively -- over 80 countries to date -- and frequently writes travelogues. In addition to a chapter in
Greece: A Love Story (Seal Press, 2007), she has co-authored with her twin sister two essays on ecofeminism appearing in
American Political Thought (Congressional Quarterly Press, 2004) (a university textbook), and
Ecofeminist Literary Criticism (University of Illinois Press, 1998). She has a passion for documentaries and watches between 50 and 55 films in one week when she attends Amsterdam's International Documentary Film Festival.
Only white Hollywood would make a mainstream movie where toilets and shit are used as significant tropes to tell a story of black-white relations, as if the topic is right up black folks’ alley.