Where to find Ivy Compton-Burnett's novels
Two of Ivy's novels were reissued in paperback by New York Review
Books in March 2001. To learn more, follow these links to NYRB:
Manservant and Maidservant
A House and Its Head
You can purchase these books at the usual places online
et al), at your favorite independent bookstore, or directly from the publisher.
Read an excerpt
of A House and Its Head at amazon.com
Read an excerpt
of Manservant and Maidservant at amazon.com
To find Compton-Burnett titles that are out-of-print, use the
resources listed below.
Advanced Book Exchange,
Alibris, and Bibliofind search the inventories
of booksellers around the world.
The MX BookFinder search engine
performs simultaneous searches of several online booksellers' databases.
United States
The great Powell's
Books in Portland, Oregon carries many Ivy Compton-Burnett titles.
Check out their searchable database. You can order books online.
Many Ivy Compton-Burnett titles are available at half.com.
References to Ivy Compton-Burnett on the Web
Ingram's Home Page has several excellent pages devoted to the life
and work of Ivy Compton-Burnett. Highly recommended.
You can hear Studs Terkel's 1962 interview with Ivy Compton-Burnett by visiting www.studsterkel.org/ttmyself.php by selecting the Real Audio file terkel-a0a1j3-b.rm
in the section titled "Terkel comments and presents Talking To Myself - Part
1." You can also read this interview at amazon.com
The Women of Brighton website has posted a biographical sketch of Ivy Compton-burnett, along with photographs of Ivy and her childhood home in Hove.
Information on film
and television dramatic rights for Ivy Compton-Burnett's work.
The Anglophone Authors Project has posted a biographical sketch of Ivy Compton-Burnett.
The entry
for Ivy Compton-Burnett in the Columbia Encyclopedia
The entry for Ivy
Compton-Burnett at xrefer.com.
A review of Julian Mitchell's stage adaption of Ivy Compton-Burnett's A Heritage and its History.
"June 10 I'm not very familiar with the author Ivy Compton-Burnett, but I'm certainly more so now having visited The Ivy Compton-Burnett Home PageHer Novels (including some Quotes from her books), a few descriptions of Her Characters, a Biographical Sketch, and even some words from some of her Critics (many more pro- than anti-Ivy here). There are other life details here, too, including Links to Some of the People in Her Life, Interviews with the author, and even the text from her Obituary in The London Times. Those wishing to do further research on this writer will find the Bibliography of biographical works, literary criticism/commentary, interviews, and adaptations as useful as the Resources pages. This site is just one example of how the level of quality for author research on the Net is increasing. (BTW, the I.C.-B. Page is sponsored by the folks at the Bright Lights Film Journal site, a nice diversion in and of itself.)"